Bot's Configuration (19)

Last updated: July 7, 2023

• configuration - Displays the server configuration!

• disable - Enables/Disables channels/roles/categories/commands!

• setautoactions - Sets up the action that members will get after a certain number of sanctions!

• setautomod - Enables/Disables Discord invites automatic deletion! Adds/Removes channels to/from blacklist!

• setautoresponder - Adds/Deletes an automatic responder! Shows list of available variables!

• setautorole - Sets up the autorole system! Aautomatically adds roles to new members!

• setbumpreminder - Sets up the bump reminder system!

• setgoodbye - Sets up the goodbye system! Tests goodbye messages!

• setinvitetracker - Sets up the invite-tracker system! Tests invite-tracker messages!

• setlang - Changes Your language! Changes language of Your server! Displays information on how the language change works!

• setlevels - Sets up the levels system!

• setmodlogs - Enables/Disables the moderation logs!

• setpartnercount - Sets up the partnerships counter system!

• setprefix - Sets up the server prefix!

• setroles - Sets up the mute and moderator role!

• setsuggests - Sets up the suggestions channel(s)!

• settickets - Sets up the tickets system!

• setverification - Sets up the verification system!

• setwelcome - Sets up the welcome system! Tests welcome messages!